He has engaged with the management of judicial administrations and with the drafting of legal advice. He is also a contributor and regularly collaborates with Centro Studi Cegos where he holds refresher and training courses. He took part in multiple conferences on various topics, such as “Prevenire e velocizzare il recupero crediti”, “Ottimizzare la gestione del Parco Auto Aziendale”, “Terziarizzare i servizi generali”, “Recuperare il credito dagli Enti Pubblici”, “Riproduzione, archiviazione attiva gestione integrata dei documenti”, “Il contratto di sub fornitura nelle attività produttive”.
He contributes to the magazine “Ristorando”, which is focused on the catering service industry (production and distribution) and on its relations with Public Administrations. He writes articles on issues related to labor law, administrative law, commercial law and other legal issues which large companies in the industry may face.
He is a former magistrate and he has worked for many years for the Presidency of the Court of Naples as a judge in charge of the preliminary examination of requests for injunction and precautionary procedures (especially banking issues, precautionary proceedings, presidential separation hearings).
He is a contributor for the following legal magazines: Il Foro Italiano, Giurisprudenza Italiana, Giurisprudenza di Merito, and he is a member of the editorial committee and contributor for Diritto e Giurisprudenza. He is the author of the following monographs: Il processo tributario, L’equo canone, Rassegna di giurisprudenza sull’equo canone, Rassegna di giurisprudenza sulle Regioni, Codice della Regione Campania, L’Assicurazione obbligatoria (3 editions), I Provvedimenti del Presidente del Tribunale, Le locazioni alberghiere, Il processo societario. Since November 2002 he has contributed to the column “Sportello” published every Monday on the daily newspaper Il Mattino di Napoli. Since December 2005 he has been giving his contribution to the feature “Il cittadino e la legge”, broadcast every Saturday by the TV channels Telelibera and TV Luna.