Our firm offers consultancy and assistance in the field of debt recovery for different types of clients, for example leading companies at national and international level in the field of production and distribution of cement and similar products, financial corporations, companies who operate in the energy, automotive and fashion industries, the food and beverage industry, public authorities, condominium management authorities, institutions for public housing as well as private entities located throughout the country.

Our team assists its clients in every phase of the debt recovery procedure, from the preliminary analysis of the recoverability of debt, by keeping them informed on the progress of the dispute, up until the final result, while ensuring targeted measures tailored to the needs of the clients.

Every need is therefore met with a specialized answer. All the mandates include tailored specifications and procedures as well as the integral engineering of operational processes and reporting services.
A highly specialized and experienced team will assist you in cases of insolvency proceedings. Our firm provides support to creditors of companies dealing with financial stress or insolvency, as well as distressed companies that need help with composition, reorganization and restructuring proceedings.

Thanks to an in-depth knowledge of the current legislation and practice, our firm guarantees flexible support to our clients throughout the country and strong partnerships with leading financial advisors to identify the most efficient solutions.